Thursday, September 18, 2008

Welcome to our Blog!

Hello everyone out there in internet land! Jimmy, Allison and I want to welcome you to our blog! I am hoping to keep this site up to date so everyone will know what is happening in our world!

Jimmy has been working at Saint Lukes Hospital of Kansas City for 3 months now and really enjoys it. I have been working at Boehringer Ingelheim Vetmedica, Inc. in Elwood for 3 1/2 months and also loves it! It was very lucky that we both got full-time jobs within one week of each other! We are so happy!!! Because we both have full-time jobs now, we get to begin saving for our house! We think we have a piece of land picked out to build on. We are going to start looking at home designs and hopefully be building next summer!!!

Allison is growing up so fast! She is 10 months old now. She can walk around furniture, say mama and dada - and I think she is close to saying other words, she shakes her head no, and does so many other things I don't even have time to list them all! She makes me so proud! We both love her so much! She has been going to Kids Kastle daycare in Dearborn since April and loves it. She learns so much there. She even has her first boyfriend. He is even the high school principle's son. We're going to have to keep our eyes on this one!

Well...that's enough for the first post. I will try and put some pictures up next time. Allison is getting ready for her first Halloween! I can't wait!!!