Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Quick Update

It has been forever since I have posted on here... Time sure flies!

Well...We have some BIG news. February 28th, we bought an 80 acre farm in north platte county. We closed March 27th. Yay!!! One step closer to building our dream house. Jimmy is pretty excited that he gets to have a farm of his own. He loves helping his Grandpa, but this is the start to his hopefully many many more farms to come!

Allison is getting so big.

She is a little jabber box. Saturday morning, she woke up and I was saying "no" to her or the dogs or something, and she says back "No, No, No!" while shaking her index finger at me. I craked up! She is such a little stinker. We now have to try and get her to stop this.

Well...that's enough for now! More to come soon, hopefully!


Steve and Amanda said...

Congrats on buying land...that is amazing. I am sure you dream house will be built soon. Allison looks like she is getting big. I hope we can see her soon.

T Smith said...

That's so exciting! Isn't closing great with the 400 million pages of paperwork? ;) When will you start building your house? Do you guys already have plans picked out?